Animal Success Stories

Happy Tails

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I wanted to send a picture of a content Mighty, tuckered out. He usually sleeps on the quilt that came with him, that is his “security” blanket! He is a sweet, happy dog. He seems to be adjusting well. His flaky skin is getting better. There is still some missing under his chin around his neck, but the doctors did a skin scrape and determined that he does not have any mites. I had the orthopedic doctor examine him thoroughly here at OSU and she thinks, just as your vet did, that he has a disc problem in his lower back and possibly neurological damage in the front, right between the shoulder blades. She said the legs may not be getting the right “signals” to move correctly from his nerves, and that is causing the instability in his legs. It could be a lot of things, but she said the good thing is that he can walk and live a fairly normal life. We will see how he progresses. He does need some dental work…so I will see if I can afford that! In any case, I wanted to send a picture to show you that he is comfortable, and we like him very much. He is a sweetheart, and very easy going. Thank you for all you did to help him and get him to Columbus. We are happy to have him. So Happy Thanksgiving to all, and continue doing all the wonderful things you are doing for the animals!