IZZER's Web Page

Domestic Long Hair / Mixed (long coat)  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Adult  : :  Medium

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  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Cat
  • Rescue ID: 35079156
  • General Color: Orange and White
  • Current Age: 10 Years 11 Months (best estimate)
Two kitty cats arrived at our place when their owner was moving. Ollie and Izzer (seen here) are looking for homes where they can stay forever. Izzer is the shyest in the group. Come find him hiding in our Catfe off the Front Lobby; he'll be the one that does NOT rush over to meet you.

ADOPTIONS INCLUDE: Spay or Neuter, Worming, Vaccinations (excluding rabies), Microchip, Free Vet visit at Participating Offices, 30 Days of Health Insurance provided by PetHealth (some restrictions apply) Adoption Fees may vary, but our standard fees are: Cats $85 and Dogs $125. We offer Discounts on Senior Animals and Special Needs Animals. We also offer special incentives for Seniors and Military.

Other Pictures of IZZER (click to see larger version):